Sheldon Keefe breaks his silence on potentially being fired

Elias Edmonson
May 6, 2024  (7:40 PM)

Photo of Sheldon Keefe
Photo credit: Fansided

In a press conference over the last few minutes, Toronto Maple Leafs head coach Sheldon Keefe broke the silence.

You can imagine that the Toronto journalists did not hesitate to massively question him about his possible firing, and he responded very clearly.

Targeted Dismissal and Rumors: Sheldon Keefe is not worried about it

Hats off to Keefe!
He presented himself today in front of a crowd of journalists, head held high, and he answered all the tough questions.
Keefe also took all the blame for his team's early elimination in the first round. Regarding his future in Toronto, knowing well that a dismissal is anticipated by many, he mentioned the following:
«Sheldon Keefe says it's out of his control if the leafs management and ownership decides to bring him back next season.

"I believe in myself greatly. I love coaching the Toronto Maple Leafs. Now more than ever, I believe I will win and our team will win.» - Sheldon Keefe

This will be a big file to follow over the next few hours in Toronto:
«Sheldon Keefe says it's out of his control, whether the Leafs management decides to bring him back next season or to dismiss him.»

«We are in a world where results matter and we did not get the expected ones. We did not achieve our goals. As the head coach, I take responsibility for that, » he said in front of journalists, before adding this:

«We took a step forward last year [by reaching the second round of the playoffs] as a group. I loved the determination we showed in that series [against the Bruins], especially during games number 5 and 6, to give us a chance to participate in game number 7. But clearly, it's not enough, and it sticks in my throat.» - Keefe, via TVA Sports

The Maple Leafs bosses will hold a press conference later this week, once the dust has settled, and that's when we will know if someone is dismissed.
It's worth remembering, of course, that Keefe and the Maple Leafs have once again been eliminated in the first round of the NHL playoffs, a bad habit for them, this time in 7 games against the Boston Bruins.
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Sheldon Keefe breaks his silence on potentially being fired

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