A 1st young player could turn his back on Patrick Roy and the Iles

Elias Edmonson
May 4, 2024  (11:53)

Photo of Patrick Roy and Islanders Players
Photo credit: Nhl

Following the elimination of Patrick Roy's Islanders against the Carolina Hurricanes in the first round of the playoffs, there will be twists and turns.

Some Islanders players, like Casey Cizikas, Mike Reilly, and Semyon Varlamov (to name just a few) received golden opportunities from Patrick Roy and really benefited from the arrival of the former #33 behind the bench.
Most Islanders players absolutely want to stay there and have really loved the Patrick Roy experience, but there are a few exceptions.

Is it over for Oliver Wahlstrom with Patrick Roy's Islanders?

There is indeed a promising young forward from the Islanders who would have hoped to get his chance with a new head coach, who would have hoped to blossom with the coaching change in New York, but that really wasn't the case.
We are talking here about the young Oliver Wahlstrom.
«Oliver Wahlstrom might well have played his last game with the New York Islanders.» - TVA Sports

In a press conference for his season review, Wahlstrom did not seem like a young man who wanted to return at all costs with Patrick Roy and the Isles next year.
He seems quite ready for a new start, elsewhere.
«Asked about his future during the end-of-season review of his team, Wahlstrom simply responded to the media present: «We'll see», with a face that said it all.» - Via TVA Sports

He will be an interesting name to watch this summer:
«Oliver Wahlstrom says "we'll see" several times when questioned about his status as a restricted free agent (RFA) this summer and when asked if he thinks he will be back with the Islanders.

He says he feels 100%. He removed his knee brace about six weeks ago. He is ready to become an athlete this offseason, to play tennis, etc., without sitting on an iced knee on the couch.» - Andrew Gross

In short, don't be surprised if he is not qualified by the Islanders this summer and if he becomes free as a bird.
Wahlstrom, 23 years old, 11th overall pick in 2018 (First round), is a big winger at 6 feet 2 inches and 200 pounds.
He has collected 6 points in 32 games this season, and 67 points in 193 career NHL games (34 goals).
Case to follow.
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A 1st young player could turn his back on Patrick Roy and the Iles

Would you trade a 4th round pick for Oliver Wahlstrom?

Yes27355.3 %
No22144.7 %
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