Shocking: Kirby Dach revealed that he almost gave up everything while he was with the Chicago Blackhawks

Elias Edmonson
January 26, 2024  (4:08 PM)

Photo of Kirby Dach
Photo credit: YardBaker

The more challenging season of the Montreal Canadiens could have been so different with a certain Kirby Dach in the lineup and healthy.

It would undoubtedly make a huge difference.
The one who some consider as the second (or even the) best player of the Canadiens is really being missed since he got injured at the beginning of the season.
Recently, we had news from Kirby, who really opened up in an interview with Chris Nilan.
He was very sincere and transparent.

Dach confesses he almost gave up everything!

At a certain point, for a reason impossible to explain, the Blackhawks asked him to become a third-line defensive player. Excuse me?
They wanted to make him a 100% defensive player and they no longer allowed him to create offensively, according to Kirby's own words.
It literally broke his heart.
He really would have liked a bigger role in the lineup, but the Hawks didn't want to hear anything about it. He really felt that Chicago turned its back on him for no reason.
"There were too many things happening at the same time. Those were dark times and I wondered if I was capable of continuing. Hockey became boring because that's not the player I am. I am not just a defensive center." - Kirby Dach

You can feel his emotion when he talks about it. He then mentions that sometimes, he simply didn't feel like playing hockey anymore and he almost gave up.
Let's just say that his trade to the Montreal Canadiens was possibly the best news of his career.
He adds that playing for a head coach like Martin St-Louis is really special for him.
Clearly, he adores Martin.
"When he placed me on the 1st line with Caufield and Suzuki, it helped me a lot, but a lot, to regain confidence." - Kirby Dach

As for his current injury, Kirby mentions that he is still progressing at the moment and that it helps him a lot to see the "game" from above and to analyze everything.
In short, we highly recommend this interview:

Credit: DansLesCoulisses.com
26 JANVIER   |   1061 ANSWERS
Shocking: Kirby Dach revealed that he almost gave up everything while he was with the Chicago Blackhawks

Who do you think will be the best player on the Canadiens in two years?

Suzuki23221.9 %
Caufield21620.4 %
Slafkovsky36134 %
Dach25223.8 %
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