EMBARRASSING: The Ottawa Senators lash out at Montreal Canadiens fans on the web, causing a huge reaction

Elias Edmonson
January 19, 2024  (4:54 PM)

Photo of Ottawa Senators fans
Photo credit: Ctv news

Thursday night in Kanata, the Canadiens were crushed by a score of 6 to 2 against the Ottawa Senators. This convincing victory over their neighbors was greatly appreciated by the fans and members of the organization. So much so that the Sens' social media team took the opportunity to taunt the Habs fans in a video.

We had embedded the video here, but the Sens apparently regretted it and deleted the said video. Embarrassing.
They don't even stand by it, but in short, we saw Canadiens fans leaving the arena before the end of the game (due to the drubbing), and the Sens ridiculed these Habs fans.
If this kind of gesture has become common in the league, and is usually very funny, Ottawa could have, this time, kept a little embarrassment to themselves...
Indeed, in doing so, they taunted no less than half of the ticket buyers for this match. When you know that it is the opposing fans who fill your arena, a minimum of respect should be in order...
It should also not be forgotten that the Sens are having a terrible season and are well below expectations. It's good to be happy to have (finally) won a game, but the rebuild is supposed to be over and the team is still far from a playoff spot (and even from the CH).
Seeing Tim Stutzle rejoice that the opposing team's fans are leaving while they are ranked 29th also very well demonstrates the attitude of the players on this team. It's good to want to create a rivalry, but they should start getting to where rivalries are created, namely in the playoffs.
I repeat, I have nothing against this kind of comment or video. You just have to choose the moment and Thursday night was simply not the right one.
19 JANVIER   |   910 ANSWERS
EMBARRASSING: The Ottawa Senators lash out at Montreal Canadiens fans on the web, causing a huge reaction

Which team do you think will make the playoffs first?

Montreal60766.7 %
Ottawa16918.6 %
Both of them at the same time13414.7 %
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