Slafkovsky has just confirmed a surprising rumour after his hat trick

Elias Edmonson
April 10, 2024  (7:25 PM)

Photo of Juraj Slafkovsky
Photo credit: Reddit

Tuesday night, Juraj Slafkovsky had quite the game. In addition to scoring his first career hat trick, he ended the night with six shots on goal.

The worst part is that the young man wasn't feeling well before the game. He stated in his press briefing that he had a cold and did not sleep well during his nap before the game.
That was the word going around before the game, and Slafkovsky confirmed it:
"I didn't sleep well for my nap, but I had a good game. Plus, I have a runny nose. I have a cold, my throat hurts. I'm a bit sick, but I can stay like this every day!" - Juraj Slafkovsky

Wow! It's major to see that he's able to perform so well under such difficult circumstances.
Just imagine if he had been in shape...
The now 20-year-old young man will surely keep a very good memory of this April 9, 2024. He even kept one of the hats thrown on the ice to remember this moment in the years to come.
"I kept a hat. The crowd was really loud after my third goal. It was a roar like after the tying goal with seven seconds left from Cole (Caufield) against Philadelphia last year. It was really awesome." - Juraj Slafkovsky

However, the first star of the game did not take all the credit. He extensively praised his teammates who served him those three goals on a silver platter!
"I don't even know how I scored my first, the second was a perfect pass from Suzie. And the third, HP (Rafael Harvey-Pinard) made a good change and he created space for me. Then I received a nice pass (from David Savard)." - Juraj Slafkovsky

It will be interesting to see if Slafkovsky can reach the 20-goal mark for the first time in his career. To do so, he will have to score just one goal in the next four and last games of the CH!
Via NHL.com - Slafkovsky : un rhume, une mauvaise sieste, mais un tour du chapeau
10 AVRIL   |   591 ANSWERS
Slafkovsky has just confirmed a surprising rumour after his hat trick

Would you trade Juraj Slafkovsky for Leo Carlsson or Adam Fantilli? Is he better than all the 2023 draft players except Bedard?

Yes, I would trade him for Fantilli528.8 %
Yes, I would trade him for Carlsson193.2 %
No52088 %
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