Martin St-Louis has just made a very big decision, and it's officially over for Josh Anderson's guaranteed 15 minutes per game

Elias Edmonson
March 16, 2024  (10:38)

Martin St Louis and Josh Anderson during practice
Photo credit: Habsolumenfan

We are all behind Josh Anderson. We all want him to succeed and become a 20-25 goal scorer per year, feared by other teams, but unfortunately, we haven't seen that from him this season.

The CH is such a better team with a dominant Josh Anderson, but can we still hope to see this power forward at his best?
Apart from a superb streak of 6 goals in 6 games in December, Anderson has only two goals this season. (thus 8 in total)
And above all, his impact is becoming less and less evident, even though Martin St-Louis has always given him second-line minutes and 15-16 minutes of ice time per game.
However, for the first time in nearly three years for Anderson, that has changed.

Finished for Josh Anderson the guaranteed 15 minutes per game!

Martin St-Louis, who has always defended him publicly and never reduced his usage, has just changed his mind.
Recently, Anderson's playing time has gradually decreased, reaching a low of 11 minutes and 19 seconds Thursday night against the Boston Bruins.
It is officially his lowest total of minutes played in a game since arriving in Montreal. Wow.
He barely hit the ice in the third period, even when the game was tied. It must have been very difficult for him to accept, but Martin St-Louis had no choice.
"He plays an average of 1 minute and 8 seconds less per game compared to last season at the same time. I commend Martin St-Louis for his management because such a decision is an integral part of coaching. It's never easy to relegate a veteran to the end of the bench."

- Renaud Lavoie on the JiC show

Unfortunately for Anderson, for the first time since his arrival with the CH, it's over the 14-15 minutes per game guaranteed.
It's up to him to respond!
In October, we're talking about nearly 17 minutes per game for Anderson. In November, 16 minutes 45 seconds. In December, 16 minutes 34 seconds. In January, 15 minutes 47 seconds, and in February, 14 minutes 25 seconds!
As for the current month of March, we're talking about 13 minutes 25 seconds, a drastic drop.
Credit: TVA Sports
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Martin St-Louis has just made a very big decision, and it's officially over for Josh Anderson's guaranteed 15 minutes per game

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