Major statement involving Martin St-Louis and Chantal Machabée emerges

Elias Edmonson
March 17, 2024  (1:24 PM)

Martin St Louis and Chantal Machabée
Photo credit: Rds/nhl

Martin St-Louis is truly a unique head coach, perfect for a market like Montreal.

We are lucky to have him.
The excellent Marc-André Perreault, from TVA Sports, just shared a story involving Chantal Machabée and Martin, which says so much about who he really is.
This happened last year.
"Last year, the Canadiens had a disastrous December (3-9-3) which culminated in a 6-3 loss to Nashville on January 3rd. It was tough... it was hell.

That morning, with fellow journalists, we were waiting near the locker room. I can't remember if it was Charles or Chantal who was there for media relations, but we had agreed that we didn't need to speak to Martin.

He already had a lot on his shoulders and he had been very available in the previous days. The coach heard the conversation and intervened. He said something like: 'It's not true that I'm going to hide. If there's anyone who has a question, I'll answer.'

Eventually, he gave a generous press conference. It was his way of telling his guys that you should never shy away and that he was ready to take the heat of the moment. I will always respect Martin St Louis for doing that. The cameras were off so it wasn't for show. It was just the REAL Martin St Louis." - Marc-André Perreault

Nothing was working at that time.
And while Chantal Machabée and the journalists had made the very reasonable decision to give him a well-deserved break from the press conference, Martin flat-out refused to back down.
It would have been so easy for him (and understandable) to take a break from journalists, but no, he chose to face the music. Wow!
Journalist Perreault particularly appreciated that MSL did not back down and that, despite the tough times, he wanted to face the media.
He completely changed the plans of Chantal Machabée and the journalists, who all wanted to give him a little break.
It was a very good idea from Chantal and the media, but what a beautiful reaction from Martin. It says a lot about him.
Credit: TVA Sports
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Major statement involving Martin St-Louis and Chantal Machabée emerges

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