Upcoming trade for Josh Anderson? The forward receives mixed signals and reveals his intentions

Jeff Drouin
February 22, 2022  (4:47 PM)

This is a subject that has sparked several reactions on social networks since last night.

We were talking about it before the game against the Toronto Leafs, the interim head coach of the Montreal Canadiens, Martin St-Louis, made a significant gesture during a press briefing.
He sent a clear message to Kent Hughes and Jeff Gorton, while some think that Josh Anderson could possibly be traded by the trade deadline: St-Louis wants to keep his first line intact and this, for a long time.
Head coach St-Louis has indeed given a big vote of confidence to his first line and he clearly mentioned that he wants to keep his Caufield - Suzuki - Anderson combination intact, for a very long time. (as the Boston Bruins did with the trio of Marchand - Bergeron - Pastrnak)
I love it! The former coaches of the Habs were known to change the lines (too?) often, but here, we want a lasting chemistry. St-Louis would really like Anderson-Suzuki-Caufield to be together for many more years.
One more reason not to trade Josh Anderson, especially since his line responded admirably yesterday, having an amazing game against Toronto.
Now, the next question is: do Kent Hughes and Jeff Gorton want to trade (or not) Josh Anderson?
Anderson clearly mentioned at a press conference a few weeks ago that he wants to remain a member of the Habs. Does he have the insurance that his wish will be granted? The answer seems to be: no.
According to Sportsnet's Jeff Marek and Elliotte Friedman, Anderson really isn't sure if he'll stay in Montreal.
«Josh Anderson is receiving mixed signals as to whether he will be traded by the Canadiens. He is unsure whether Gorton and Hughes see him as an integral part of the team's future." -Friedman

It will be interesting to watch, especially since several teams in the league want to snatch him from the Canadiens, but I think it would be a bad decision to trade him and break up the team's first line.
What do you think?
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