The Avs made a classy gesture to Habs fans after the trade involving Lehkonen

Jeff Drouin
March 22, 2022  (1:45 PM)

As you obviously know, yesterday, the Montreal Canadiens and the Colorado Avalanche made a big deal as CH GM Kent Hughes acquired young defenseman Justin Barron (along with a 2nd round pick in 2024), in exchange for forward Artturi Lehkonen.

While this is a good deal for Montreal, and while we got a solid return for Lehkonen, the fact remains that we just lost a hard-working player who embodied the identity of the club, loved the city, and was greatly appreciated by the fans.
While some organizations choose the path of arrogance and defiance (salute to the Carolina Hurricanes), the Colorado Avalanche showed great class following the trade.
As reported by our colleagues at The Blue Pocket, the Avalanche organization got the word out for the right reasons following the trade involving Lehkonen.
Instead of throwing arrows at the CH, like some, they decided to respect the human side of a trade (towards the players, but also towards the fans, who should not be forgotten following a trade)
And that's what the Colorado organization understood and did right by the CH fans, and more precisely Lehkonen's fans, via its Twitter account.
In a first post, the Avalanche asked Habs fans to tell them everything the team needs to know about their new acquisition, Artturi Lehkonen. (who still played nearly six seasons with the CH)
In addition, they were careful to answer each of the many answers. A gesture noticed by many.
See the publication in question here:
Here's an example of a response, but underneath the publication you can see that there are a multitude of them like this one:
Then they made a second post, in which the Avalanche promised Montreal fans to take good care of Lehkonen and again, taking the time to respond to CH fans who commented.
A gesture that may seem insignificant, but it shows great class on the part of this organization. We rarely see that, unfortunately.
It's a change from the Hurricanes, let's say...
See the second publication here:
22 MARS   |   501 ANSWERS
The Avs made a classy gesture to Habs fans after the trade involving Lehkonen

Will the addition of Lehkonen make you follow the Avalanche more in the playoffs?

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No9218.4 %
A little8416.8 %
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