Patrick Roy possibly hired by the Montreal Canadiens this summer?

Jeff Drouin
June 3, 2022  (5:55 PM)

This is one of the files we are watching closely right now, as last night, Patrick Roy opened the door for a possible major change in his career.

His future with the Quebec Remparts seems more than uncertain:
"I'm going to take the time to think about it, for sure. I'm going to sit down with Jacques Tanguay, [the team's president] and we'll continue to do some thinking about this." - Patrick Roy

So the next question is: if he leaves, what's next for him?
Many fans have begun to speculate about a possible job waiting for him with the Montreal Canadiens, because all indications are that Roy has given up on the idea of returning as a head coach in the NHL.
He even fired his agent, who he had hired specifically for that purpose (Neil Glasburg).
Now that his ties to the CH and Geoff Molson appear to be renewed, could he do some Scouting for Montreal? Is there a scouting job waiting for him in Montreal? That's what some are saying, but let's be cautious.
One thing is for sure, he has A LOT of experience in the junior ranks to scout for promising young talent, and besides, for him, it would be a quick and effective way to get back into the Montreal Canadiens organization.
Could he get a job with the Tricolore this summer? Nothing is impossible.
As head coach of the Quebec Remparts for 12 of the last 17 seasons, Roy has accumulated a very respectable record of 468 wins in 774 games.
Let's recall the rumour that Maxime Truman (Danslescoulisses.com) revealed this morning:
"According to some information that came to our ears, Roy would have bought a house in Europe. He would like to spend a lot of time there (far from the Quebecois madness towards him), we are told. And he still enjoys playing golf as much as ever, in between visits to his daughter and grandson." - Max Truman

This possibly fits with the plans of a guy who could be recruiting, for an NHL team, in Europe.
Truman adds that, again according to these rumors, current Drummondville Voltigeurs general manager (and former Remparts coach) Philippe Boucher could possibly replace Patrick Roy in Quebec City.
It really feels like the end for the former #33, but let's wait and see.
Would you like to see Patrick Roy get hired by the Montreal Canadiens this summer, even if it's not as GM or head coach? Do you think he would accept?
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Patrick Roy possibly hired by the Montreal Canadiens this summer?

Would you like to see Patrick Roy hired by the Montreal Canadiens this summer, even if not as GM or head coach?

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