Mike Ribeiro partied so hard the night before he returned to Montreal that he doesn't know what he did the next morning

Jeff Drouin
April 20, 2022  (10:21)

When Mike Ribeiro was traded to the Dallas Stars just before the start of the 2006-07 season, the NHL schedule was very different from today.

Back then, Eastern Conference teams only played Western teams once during the year, and we went to a city in the other conference every two years. This meant that Ribeiro didn't get to play the Habs at the Bell Centre until February 21, 2012, almost six years after he left Montreal.
Let's just say that for the occasion, he lived up to the reputation he had when he was in a Habs uniform.
Like reported by Max Truman, from Danslescoulisses.com, Ribeiro is now a regular on The Sick Podcast, hosted by Tony Marinaro.
Several topics are discussed during these discussions and the former Canadiens player was willing to tell us what he did to celebrate his return to Montreal.
On February 20, 2012, the night before the CH-Stars game at the Bell Centre, he was supposed to be in his hotel room at 11:00 p.m., due to a curfew imposed by his coach.
Instead, at 11pm, he got into a Montreal friend's car and partied at a club until 3am. Then, the guys showed up at the dancers after closing time.
Ribeiro, who claims to have only consumed alcohol that night, returned to his room around 5:30. He doesn't even remember if he took part in his team's optional practice that day.
And believe it or not, that night he scored a goal and an assist in a 3-0 Stars win and was named the game's first star!
Not bad for a player who was supposed to be hungover.
Luckily social media wasn't as developed ten years ago, imagine if pictures or videos of Ribeiro partying had circulated on the internet. The Montreal media would have been all over it.
Wow Mike!
To watch The Sick Podcast with Mike Ribeiro, click below.
20 AVRIL   |   32 ANSWERS
Mike Ribeiro partied so hard the night before he returned to Montreal that he doesn't know what he did the next morning

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