Marc Bergevin didn't even call Jordan Harris by the right name

Jeff Drouin
April 4, 2022  (6:47 PM)

We told you a few days ago that Jordan Harris would probably never have ended up in Montreal if the old management had stayed in place.

But fortunately for fans, the connection between Kent Hughes and the team that Harris played for in the NCAA facilitated the negotiations and the young defensive prospect made his debut with the Habs last Saturday in Tampa Bay.
But let's go back to the old management for a moment and especially to the team's former general manager, Marc Bergevin. He was the one who selected Harris in the third round in 2018, but yet, as reported by Marco Normandin of Habsolumentfan.com, Bergevin had trouble remembering his first name. In fact, he called him Josh instead of Jordan.
Mathias Brunet, a journalist for La Presse, revealed this information and although it may seem trivial, it says a lot about the intentions of the former management regarding Harris, but also about other prospects of the organization.
"The youngsters in place didn't feel valued, Romanov wasn't deemed solid enough to play in the playoffs last summer, Cole Caufield and Kotkaniemi were left on the bench to start the playoffs, Kotkaniemi came out bitter after being sent back to the press box in the finals, and Harris had opted to stay an extra year at Northeastern, to finish his degree, and also, perhaps, because DG was unable to remember his first name and felt out of place on a beefy, low-mobility defense. " - Mathias Brunet

But honestly, put yourself in Jordan Harris' shoes for a moment. Your own boss who has trouble remembering your first name.
Let's just say we understand the young man a little better now for hesitating before signing a contract with the Habs. Fortunately, Kent Hughes came to the rescue and fans will be able to admire the talent of the young American defenseman.
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Marc Bergevin didn't even call Jordan Harris by the right name

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