Honestly, I just listened to André Tourigny, who regularly appears on TVA Sports' late night show "L'Après-match", and let's just say that the "Bear" just deconstructed the word rebuild (or build something).
Here is the definition of the word "build", which also applies to "rebuild": first of all, it is more than one thing. It starts with attitude. You have to build a work ethic, you have to build a culture, you have to build pride, you have to build a sense of belonging, you have to build a system, you have to build an identity.
"Every day is a struggle. You can lose, but you have to learn in defeat. You have to move forward every day. If you just lose the game and then go home, you're not moving forward and you're not learning anything. You have to be competitive every day and be the best version of yourself!" - Tourigny