Development: Hughes will try to accommodate a player who requested a trade

February 6, 2023  (7:38 PM)

February 9 will mark the first anniversary of Martin St-Louis' reign behind the CH bench. In conjunction with that date, the club's driver was kind enough to grant an extensive interview to journalist Jonathan Bernier of the Journal de Montréal. In this interview, he looks back on his early days behind an NHL bench and the future of the club.

One of the interesting things we learn in this article is that CH GM Kent Hughes will do everything to please and accommodate the team's veterans who don't want to enter a rebuilding phase.
"It may happen that there are some who want to leave. If that's the case, Kent Hughes will try to accommodate them." - Martin St. Louis

St. Louis, however, made it clear from the start of the season with the veterans. He needs them to develop the youngsters, even though he knows they will never see the full potential of the organization. He is ready to be challenged by them.
"I have conversations and debates with the players. It's important to talk with the veterans. I don't pretend to know everything. I'm not narrow-minded."

"I don't mind a player trying to convince me. Sometimes those discussions land one thing in your brain and it takes you to another place."-Martin St. Louis

Looking at how some veterans are playing right now, there are still limits to the accommodations Hughes can give them. Mike Hoffman and Evgeny Dadonov, to name a few, will have to show that they can help another team in the league if they want to leave Montreal.
Hughes will also not be able to do miracles with Sean Monahan and Joel Edmundson. If they don't return to the game soon, trading them could be very difficult.
Renaud Lavoie mentioned, however, this weekend, that it's still possible, but that the conditions would make the return quite miserable in the eyes of the organization.
"If they're injured, you can do it, but you're going to have to put conditions on the deal. It might be a little more complicated than it was originally supposed to be. The return won't be as huge for an injured player as for a healthy one. It's a real headache for Kent Hughes and Jeff Gorton." - Renaud Lavoie

One thing is certain, there will be many files to follow with the Habs between now and the trade deadline, March 3.
Development: Hughes will try to accommodate a player who requested a trade

Which one do you think will be the first to go?

Anderson910.3 %
Edmundson3641.4 %
Hoffman2832.2 %
Monahan1416.1 %
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