Carey Price makes some extremely sad revelations and hopes for a miracle

Jeff Drouin
October 12, 2022  (9:39)

A few days ago, La Presse journalist Richard Labbé published a meaningful and emotional image. It showed that Carey Price's days with the CH seemed to be over.

This Wednesday, The Athletic's journalist, Arpon Basu, offers us an excellent article following an interview he recently did with the famous goaltender. We learn in this article that Price is currently in low spirits because of his injury but that he is not yet thinking about hanging up his skates.
From what we can understand, Price is still in pain just walking up and down stairs. Ouch...
His first wish is that the next surgery will give him a normal life, especially with his children. Secondly, he hopes for a miracle so that he can possibly return to the game.
"I'm gambling the next 20 years of my life on an operation that's not guaranteed to turn out well 100%. It's a lot less than that. I think the doctor said 75 percent but it's probably less than that. That would be optimistic and we're talking about a situation of someone who just wants to live a normal life. I look at it more on the pessimistic side and wonder what's going to happen to me if the surgery isn't successful and I can never walk up and down a hill or bend over to play with my kids again." - Carey Price

This is so sad. You can really see the emotion in his words and you can understand it. So it seems to indicate that he will indeed have to go under the knife again and will try the big one.
"I'm just kind of going to take it step by step, really. Again, my knee is still not doing very well. For example, I still don't walk up stairs without pain. I still don't feel like my knee is in a place where I'm going to be able to play hockey. I still have swelling in my knee, even in my everyday life. It's not a great outlook as far as a hockey career goes when you have trouble walking up and down stairs." - Carey Price

"So I just try to stay positive, and I just try to get my body to a place where I'm healthy enough to be pain-free on a daily basis. That's kind of my main priority right now." - Carey Price

Price found it very difficult not being at CH training camp. To chase away his anxiety, he tries to spend quality time with his family or exile himself far from the city to practice the activity that allows him to forget his situation, which is hunting. At the time of his interview with Arpon Basu, Price was on his way to Granby, far from Montreal, to go hunting.
We can only hope, beyond seeing him back on the ice, that Price can find an acceptable quality of life to live the next years of his life.
Thanks to Habsolumentfan for the info!
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12 OCTOBRE   |   281 ANSWERS
Carey Price makes some extremely sad revelations and hopes for a miracle

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