A dramatic turn in the Paul Byron case and the Montreal Canadiens?

Elias Edmonson
August 24, 2023  (5:55 PM)

Recently on Chris Nilan's podcast, Paul Byron made a statement that makes us emotional and makes us realize how much this guy loves hockey.

Recall that, following the latest press conference by Kent Hughes, many reports have surfaced about Paul Byron's retirement.
And it really seemed to be the case!
However, unlike a guy like Carey Price (apparently), Paul Byron refuses to give up, and he doesn't want to believe it's time for him to retire.
He continues to believe.
Byron is aware that his career might be over, but contrary to the information that circulated a few days ago, he's not at all ready to announce his retirement.
We could really witness a turnaround in this case.
Byron still believes he has a chance to play professional hockey again and is optimistic.
He hopes his body will recover enough to do so one day, and when that day comes, he's sure to immediately lace up his skates to get back into the game. Wow.
If I lose hope, it goes against my values. I haven't reached that stage yet, mentally [...] If I were told I could play another 20-30 games, I'd try to sign a contract somewhere.

Paul Byron

Is he naive or is he daydreaming? We're not experts, but it says a lot about him to see that he refuses to give up, even when many experts give him discouraging news.
Byron goes further.
He doesn't rule out a return to the National Hockey League at all, but above all, he has opened the door to playing in the American Hockey League (AHL) or in Europe, if worst comes to worst.
This guy loves hockey! Do you think he could, say, help the Laval Rocket? Stay tuned.
And he even shared that he sees encouraging signs and has started exercising again.
Note: We are not saying here that Paul Byron will return to play one day for the Montreal Canadiens, but let's not completely rule out this possibility.
He doesn't speak at all like someone who is about to confirm his NHL retirement, far from it.
A must-listen full episode:

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A dramatic turn in the Paul Byron case and the Montreal Canadiens?

Where do you see Paul Byron in a few months?

With the CH as player669.4 %
With the CH as employee48669.4 %
In the AHL557.9 %
Elsewhere in Europe9313.3 %
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