A big rumor is circulating about the future of Patrick Roy

Jeff Drouin
June 2, 2022  (1:39 PM)

As we mentioned earlier today, following the elimination of the Quebec Remparts last night in five games in the semi-final of the QMJHL playoffs, Patrick Roy admitted that he wanted to think about his future with the Remparts.

He took everyone by surprise when he announced that he would soon have to make a big decision.
I'm going to take the time to think about it, that's for sure. I'm going to sit down with Jacques Tanguay, [the team president] and we're going to continue to do some thinking about this." - Patrick Roy

He really left a big doubt about his future.
In the last few minutes, Maxime Truman (Danslescoulisses.com) revealed that there is an interesting rumor currently circulating about it.
"According to some information that has come to our ears, Roy has bought a house in Europe. He would like to spend a lot of time there (away from the Quebec craze for him), we are told. And he still enjoys playing golf as much as ever, in between visits to his daughter and grandson.

No, I don't think he has any desire to go coach in Italy, like..." - Max Truman

So you'd think Patrick Roy would have possibly moved on from his dream of returning to the National Hockey League as a coach/manager. Would he be in the pre-retirement stage? These are just rumors, but that's what it seems to indicate here.
Remember that a year ago, he had hired an agent, specifically to achieve this dream, this goal, but since then, he cut ties with the agent in question (Neil Glasburg) and he did so after the CH hired Jeff Gorton.
Truman adds that, still according to these rumours, the current general manager of the Drummondville Voltigeurs (and former coach of the Remparts), Philippe Boucher could possibly replace Patrick Roy in Quebec City.
This will be a very interesting file to watch. We can't wait to see if Europe or the NHL is the next step for the great Patrick Roy.
One thing is for sure, the 56 year old seems to have turned the page on junior hockey.
Let's remember in closing that this year, Patrick Roy sold his house (in Lac Beauport, near Quebec City) for nearly $6 million.
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A big rumor is circulating about the future of Patrick Roy

Where do you see Roy in the next few years?

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Other7822.3 %
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