WOW: It has just been confirmed for Martin St-Louis and Steven Stamkos

Elias Edmonson
May 2, 2024  (2:16 PM)

Photo of Steven Stamkos and Martin St-Louis
Photo credit: Bleacher report

This is good news for those who want to see the Montreal Canadiens offer a contract to Steven Stamkos of the Tampa Bay Lightning.

According to a highly reputable journalist from Tampa Bay, a journalist who has been covering the Lightning's activities for many years, it is absolutely confirmed.
Martin St-Louis could really attract Steven Stamkos to the Montreal Canadiens, practically by himself.

And if the talks sending Steven Stamkos to Montreal were serious?

In light of this statement, I am starting to believe it. I thought it was too easy to link Stamkos to Martin St-Louis, but now here's a journalist from Tampa Bay just confirmed that it's a very real argument.
Let's obviously remember that Stamkos will be free as a bird on July 1st, he will be an unrestricted free agent, he will be able to sign with the team of his choice, and let's also remember that the Lightning is extremely tight financially.
« Eduardo A. Encina, a journalist who covers the Lightning and who was visiting the Sick Podcast by Tony Marinaro, affirmed that Stamkos holds St-Louis in very, very high regard [even today].

Stamkos has not forgotten all that St-Louis has done for him in his early days in the NHL, and according to Encina, the Lightning's captain knows that it is notably thanks to MSL that he was able to taste the grand honors in the Lightning's uniform. He taught him to win, basically. » - Félix Forget

See his very intriguing statement:
That's not all.
Still according to this journalist from Tampa Bay, Stamkos would indeed love the idea of playing for the organization of Martin St-Louis (and Vincent Lecavalier), but he would also love the idea of playing for one of the six original NHL teams.
Stamkos has a lot of respect and admiration for the history of the Montreal Canadiens organization.
So, it remains to be seen, but if Stamkos really leaves the Lightning, do not be surprised if the Tricolore becomes one of the favorite teams to get him.
After all, let's remember that at the end of season press conference, none other than Jeff Gorton openly mentioned that he expects one or more big names to sign in Montreal, to play under the orders of Martin St-Louis.
Stamkos, 34 years old, 1st overall pick in 2008, scored 81 points in 79 games this season, including 40 goals! He added 5 goals in 5 games of the 2024 playoff series.
Credit: DansLesCoulisses - «Steven Stamkos tient Martin St-Louis en très haute estime»
2 MAI   |   582 ANSWERS
WOW: It has just been confirmed for Martin St-Louis and Steven Stamkos

What is your opinion on the rumors of Steven Stamkos going to the Montreal Canadiens?

I believe it6010.3 %
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I'm waiting to see17229.6 %
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