We finally know what is preventing the trade involving Dubois from materializing between Montreal and Winnipeg

Jeff Drouin
July 16, 2022  (4:16 PM)

It is no secret that the Montreal Canadiens are trying to conclude a trade with the Winnipeg Jets to acquire Pierre-Luc Dubois (confirmed by several sources).

Also, Dubois is not even shy to say openly that his dream is to play for the CH and that he intends to realize it as soon as possible.
We now know why Dubois was present, in the Bell Centre, during the 2022 NHL draft:
So, the CH really wants Dubois and Dubois really wants the CH. So what's stopping a trade from happening?
According to the excellent Winnipeg Jets reporter Murat Ates, Jets GM Kevin Cheveldayoff is waiting. He wants to hold his end of the bargain, so he can finally get his hands on a player that Kent Hughes won't let go.
We are talking about Nick Suzuki...
This could explain why Dubois' agent, Pat Brisson, has started to put a lot of pressure on the Jets in the media. Their GM wants to wait for Hughes to fold and agree to give Nick Suzuki away (which will never happen)
On the other hand, in the worst case scenario, Hughes will wait until 2024, while Dubois will be free as a bird and will obviously sign in Montreal.
In order for a trade to happen, the Jets GM will have to realize that he will not be able to get a Suzuki, or a Kaiden Guhle, in exchange for his center.
That's the one thing that seems to prevent a trade from becoming official. From what the Jets reporter said, it sounds like Cheveldayoff is starting to let go a little, which is a good sign.
Will he settle for Christian Dvorak + a prospect + a top-9 player with a high salary? It's looking more and more possible.
Really interesting!
Dubois, a 24-year-old native of Ste-Agathe-des-Monts, has 60 points (28 goals) in 81 games this season with the Jets. He was drafted third overall in 2016 by the Columbus Blue Jackets and was traded from the Jackets to the Jets in January 2021 for Patrik Laine and Jack Roslovic.
For the interesting details:
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We finally know what is preventing the trade involving Dubois from materializing between Montreal and Winnipeg

Would you give Kaiden Guhle, for Pierre-Luc Dubois?

Yes34121.4 %
No87855 %
HELL NOOO!37723.6 %
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