PK Subban's agent has finally spoken out about his client's next contract and destination

Jeff Drouin
July 31, 2022  (9:57 PM)

While the vast majority of the popular names that were available on the free agent market this summer have already signed new contracts, that is not the case for flamboyant defenseman PK Subban.

Subban is still out of contract for the upcoming season and some wonder if he even plans to play next year.
In a recent interview with Montreal Gazette, Subban's agent, Don Meehan went into a very clear and interesting statement.
"He wants to play, I can guarantee you that. I think at this point in his career, he would want to play somewhere where he has a good opportunity. Without sounding too aggressive, I honestly think he's earned the privilege of being somewhat selective about where he wants to sign. It has to work for the team and for him. In other words, he doesn't just want to play anywhere. He's kind of doing his independent thing, so to speak."

Subban was making $9 million a year under the terms of his previous contract, but one thing's for sure, the one he's likely to sign this summer will pay a lot less for him.
However, the 33-year-old should have no problem being a good depth defender, and Meehan said there is plenty of interest.
"PK just got back from vacation and I just talked to him about the free agent market. I told him there are some interesting and interested teams. There are several things to consider."

Subban is no longer the dynamic player he once was, there's no doubt about that. In fact, 2021-22 was his worst season since his rookie year in terms of points per game.
Subban finished with 5 goals and 22 points in 77 games. He had 4 50+ point seasons and one 60+ point season.
Expect to see him sign for less than two million in the short term and that's fine. However, the takeaway is that his camp believes he has earned the privilege of being selective and patient. Really interesting.
For one year and 1.5 million per year, would you like Subban to come to Montreal?
Source: Montreal Gazette
Credit: MarkerZone.com
31 JUILLET   |   702 ANSWERS
PK Subban's agent has finally spoken out about his client's next contract and destination

For one year and 1.5 million per year, would you like Subban to come to Montreal?

Yes 😍40157.1 %
No30142.9 %
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