Official Statement from the Montreal Canadiens Concerning Michel Lacroix

Elliot Ben Jacob
July 20, 2023  (7:40 PM)

In the last few minutes, the Montreal Canadiens organization has released a very interesting official statement about the one and only Michel Lacroix.

We love it.
The one who is the voice of the Bell Centre and the voice of the Montreal Canadiens for such a long time is an inspiration to many people.
Here's a sneak peek:
"MONTREAL - When Michel Lacroix speaks, Habs fans listen.

Cued by the guitar riffs of Coldplay's Fix You, one voice turns into 21,000; "Mesdames et Messieurs, Ladies and Gentlemen. Accueillons nos Canadiens!"

It's the phrase used to introduce the Canadiens to the ice, but a line whose author needs no introduction, himself.

"Slowly it became somewhat of a trademark," said the long-time Canadiens public address announcer of his famed introduction. "It clicked, everybody liked it a little phrase, just a few words to get the attention [of the crowd]."

For 30 years, Lacroix has been at the helm of the Canadiens in-house announcing.

It shows that he's a true professional at what he does. People that stay in the same organization for so long, there's a reason for it," said former Canadiens forward Alex Belzile.

Three days after being recalled on February 9, the 31-year-old journeyman scored his first career NHL goal. Fittingly, it was Lacroix who announced it.

"He came to congratulate me personally after I scored my first goal. Little things like that are sometimes trivial, but when it happens to you, it's heartwarming and it makes a difference," said Belzile. "It's something I'll remember for a long time.

It's just been published and it's a read we sincerely highly recommend.
It even includes testimonials from players, including one from Alex Belzile, who recounts how Mr. Lacroix personally congratulated him after scoring his first goal.
It says a lot about him.
There's also a heartfelt testimony from Mike Matheson, and several revelations and statements about the great Michel Lacroix's career.
Worth reading!
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Official Statement from the Montreal Canadiens Concerning Michel Lacroix

What's your opinion on the players' entrance to the song FIX YOU at the Bell Centre?

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