Ducharme calls out Hughes and Gorton and blames them for his firing

Jeff Drouin
July 28, 2022  (2:51 PM)

We told you about it yesterday, but former Montreal Canadiens head coach Dominique Ducharme recently offered a generous interview to The Athletic.

Since his firing, he's stayed away from the media or close to it, but yesterday, Ducharme relatively emptied his heart and touched on many topics. Most notably, Cole Caufield:
It may surprise some, but he confirmed a big rumor. Ducharme never really communicated with the Habs' new bosses, Kent Hughes and Jeff Gorton.
He never had the opportunity to explain his vision to them (and vice versa).
Ducharme seemed to lament the fact that Hughes and Gorton never sat down with him to announce their colors and expectations:
"That's the part that hurts me, or disappoints me the most, that I didn't get a chance to sit down with them and tell them how I saw hockey.

If the plan was to lose as many games as possible and have the young guys play, I would have liked that to know because I would have taken a different approach with them. I was trying to squeeze everywhere to get some results. I would see teams that had games cancelled because five of their players had COVID. We had ten, plus eight more who were injured, and we were playing the same..."

So a big miscommunication caused his loss. (Or a lack of interest from the new bosses?) He has his theory on the subject:
"I think that when Marc left, it was already decided. We were seen all the time as the team that went to the Stanley Cup finals and couldn't win. The coaching change sent a message to the fans and the players that we're rebuilding, we're trusting the young guys.

The result was no longer serious, Martin could afford to talk about moral victories. Me, if I spoke of moral victories, I would get destroyed."

One can understand his disappointment, and his view of the situation seems perfectly logical. Some people even talk about an injustice here.
Credit: Fanadiens.com
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Ducharme calls out Hughes and Gorton and blames them for his firing

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