Drouin speaks out about his health and recognizes that he will have to change some things

Jeff Drouin
August 6, 2022  (9:40 PM)

Today, for the Montreal Canadiens, Quebec forward Jonathan Drouin was in the spotlight as he was present at the National Bank Open.

He shined. Drouin was visibly happy, smiling and having a great time, especially in a friendly ball hockey competition that he really dominated.
He also took the opportunity to send a nice message to the fans:
On the sidelines of the event, Drouin answered a few questions from reporters, including a little update on his health.
Good news on that front! His wrist is doing very well, according to him.
It's all over," he told a handful of media members. I've started skating again, I've started playing hockey again. It feels good to play hockey for real, not just skating around for 2-3 months. Rehabilitation was great. Unfortunately, it happened to my other wrist, so I kind of knew what to expect. I think I owe a lot to the Canadiens' medical team."

- Jonathan Drouin, via TVA Sports

On the other hand, even if medically speaking he's 100%, it's still a challenge and his wrist will never be the same, in a sense:
"You have to change things," he admitted. I don't think my wrist will ever be the way it was, that's part of the business, that's part of the sport we play. I'll tell you there are times it's a little stiffer than others."

- Jonathan Drouin, via TVA Sports

He clearly mentioned it last season, but Drouin reiterated the fact that he is overly eager to play for Martin St. Louis.
As we know, Drouin is a true hockey fanatic (as is his new head coach) and you can really feel that he is excited about the idea of playing for St-Louis.
"I'm most excited about playing with Martin between now and the start of the season. I've barely played with Martin. Everyone talks about the big change we had with the coach, but I think I played a game and a half under Martin St. Louis!"

- Jonathan Drouin

One thing's for sure, Drouin is in great shape (physically and mentally) and he's really looking forward to training camp. This promises to be great!
For the interesting details:
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Drouin speaks out about his health and recognizes that he will have to change some things

Which trio would you put Jonathan Drouin on next year?

With Suzuki and Caufield321.4 %
2nd line535.7 %
3rd line214.3 %
4th line428.6 %
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