Benoît Brunet has identified the ideal player to complete the duo of Nick Suzuki and Cole Caufield

Jeff Drouin
March 31, 2022  (9:56 PM)

Since Martin St-Louis took over from Dominique Ducharme as head coach of the Habs, we have seen the emergence of forwards Cole Caufield and Nick Suzuki.

The production of these two players finally gives hope to the team's fans that they will have a true first trio in Montreal for years to come.
However, the team is missing a player to complement the two youngsters and we wonder who that third player could be to play with Suzuki and Caufield.
Josh Anderson has been the one to fill out the team's first line for the majority of games since St. Louis took over the bench. After showing some good things, #17 has only one goal and two points in his last 11 games.
As reported by my colleague Christian Matte of Marqueur.com, RDS analyst and former Habs player Benoit Brunet may have identified the ideal player to round out the team's top line, one Joel Armia.
During his appearance last week on RDS's On jase, Brunet sort of touted Armia, who has been playing good field hockey for a while anyway.
"In Armia's case, I'm going to surprise you, but if he's playing at 90% - 95% of his ability, he's the one I put with Suzuki and Caufield. He's got everything to play in the Habs' top-6, especially with two players like that. He's got the physicality, he's got the hands, he's got the defensive end, he's got the shot, he's got everything!" - Benoit Brunet

He did mention, however, that his lack of consistency did not allow him to play permanently with Suzuki and Caufield. But since his comments were made a week ago, things have had time to change.
For tonight's game against the Carolina Hurricanes, it is none other than Joel Armia who will have the chance to play on the team's first line.
The Finnish forward will have the chance to prove to Brunet, and especially to his coach, that he can play on the first line of the Habs.
Note that Jake Evans, who fell heavily in the last game against the Panthers, will be in uniform tonight against Carolina.
31 MARS   |   325 ANSWERS
Benoît Brunet has identified the ideal player to complete the duo of Nick Suzuki and Cole Caufield

The best player to complement Suzuki and Caufield is...?

Armia329.8 %
Hoffman288.6 %
Anderson21365.5 %
Other5216 %
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