Worrisome report involving former Canadien Jonathan Drouin: a change of address and a new start in Europe?

Elias Edmonson
November 11, 2023  (5:46 PM)

When Jonathan Drouin signed a one-season deal with the Colorado Avalanche during the off-season, many hockey fans hoped that the former Montreal Canadiens forward could revive his career.

However, after earning an assist in his first game with his new team, nothing more has gone right for Drouin, who has failed to make the scoresheet since then.
He was even left out by his coach in a game against the St. Louis Blues on November 1st, and it seems that the Avalanche's gamble is not paying off.
Yet, everything was in place for the former CH player to succeed, especially since he was reuniting with his former junior teammate, Nathan MacKinnon.
Now, some hockey fans are wondering what will happen next in Jonathan Drouin's career, and as reported by Keven Mawn of GoNordiques.com, an interesting option might be available to him at the end of the season.
According to an observer on X, Bob Trask, the idea of Drouin exiling himself to Europe has been proposed.
A worrisome publication, let's explore it.
Is this a possible scenario for the former Canadiens player?
Of course, the fact that this is the opinion of an internet user and not a founded rumor may seem a little less credible, but the question can still be asked.
It's common to see several hockey players exile themselves to Europe after having success in the NHL. Take the example of another former CH player, David Desharnais.
After his time in the NHL, the small forward played one season in the KHL, before exiling himself to Switzerland for four years with the Fribourg-Gotteron team, where he had a lot of success.
In 180 games with this team, he collected 151 points, which are impressive statistics under the circumstances.
I'm not saying this is the scenario that awaits Jonathan Drouin, but it remains that he may have used all his ammunition, and a big change of scenery could do him a world of good.
I know, we've already made this kind of statement about a change of scenery, but the option of exiling himself to Europe could be a nice one for the former number 27 of the CH.
In any case, we only wish the best for him, obviously ideally with the Avalanche and in the NHL, but if not, simply the best possible place for him.
Worrisome report involving former Canadien Jonathan Drouin: a change of address and a new start in Europe?

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