Boston Bruins Commentator Jack Edwards calls out Canadiens fans

Jeff Drouin
April 25, 2022  (5:10 PM)

One of the elements that caused a lot of reaction yesterday following the duel between the Montreal Canadiens and the Boston Bruins (apart from the tribute paid to the great Guy Lafleur, of course) was the officiating.

The officials had a very difficult night at work, and Mathieu Perreault didn't hesitate to tell them so during his post-game press conference:
The penalty shot, I did not understand too much. Let's just say it was a tough night for the refs. - Mathieu Perreault

Several sequences made people react, notably the one above, during which Josh Anderson received a penalty "for being attacked by Brad Marchand":
There was also the famous Erik Haula's penalty shot that made people talk!
The passionate and knowledgeable crowd at the Bell Centre often voiced their disagreement with many questionable decisions, and even the analysts agreed with this disagreement.
One person who did not appreciate this display of displeasure with the referees, however, was the Boston Bruins' colorful game describer, Jack Edwards.
"One thing we know well about Montreal, there are always 20,000 referees, but only two have whistles (unfortunately for them)." - Jack Edwards

And he added.
All of this after the Bruins had just avoided two absolutely obvious penalties. (One for having too many players on the ice, and one for hooking).
As Christian Matte (Marker.com) reports, see a well-placed response:
"That may have been true at times in the 1970s, Jack, but I'd say in the last two minutes alone, Boston got away with a Too Many Men and a hook, not Montreal." - MurphysLaw74

Jimmy Murphy says it well: the Bruins had just taken advantage of the referees' largesse, as we got to see nine of the visitors' players on the ice... and no penalties!
And anyway, we agree that it's a thousand times better to have a passionate and involved crowd, like in Montreal, than a crowd that doesn't follow what's happening on the ice.
And yesterday, the crowd was 110% right. Does Mr. Edwards believe that in Boston, the crowd never complains about the refereeing?
You can guess why it's all the rage today.
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Boston Bruins Commentator Jack Edwards calls out Canadiens fans

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